22 October 2007

I love the city at night!

Here are some pictures I took on my walk home this evening...

city at night

I love how everything looks lit by fluorescent lights.

Here is an older picture I took last year in Vancouver...
vancouver- skyline

11 October 2007

I love Jamie Rothstein's tabletop designs. She designs for large scale events and galas. She has a unique way of designing flowers-compact groupings leaning in vases. I saw a similar technique used by the floral designer who arranges the flowers for Le Georges V Hotel in Paris.

At the gala pictured below, her floral design is more about instillation, working especially with colour and lighting.

Angling the flowers and repetition are also characteristic of her style as seen below.

4 October 2007

I was introduced to Mail Art in College by my drawing instructor Don Mabie a.k.a. Chuck Stake. He collaborated with my drawing class for the Frontier Mail Art Project, which is now collection of the Glenbow Museum. Each of us were asked to make an 8 1/2"x11" postcard showing what frontier meant to us. Here is the installation from 1998.

My favourite mail art project is Postsecret. People are encouraged to mail in their deepest secrets anonymously on postcards. Periodically, Postsecret takes these submissions and turns them into a book.